Thursday, April 25, 2019

How to Start a Fitness Business presents: How to Start a Fitness Business. The fitness entrepreneur inside of you is dying to be let out. Still, doing the whole fitness business thing on your own can be daunting. Need a step-by-step plan to go from gym employee to independent business owner? Check out my game plan in this video! Are you looking to own a gym franchise? Check out the fitness business opportunities we have at Fit Body Boot Camp [ Opening Into] -- ► Subscribe to My Channel for weekly videos every Monday & Thursday: -- Resources Mentioned: This is where we will list any products he talks about, book he recommends, etc. A true rags to riches story of a self made entrepreneur who escaped communism, came to the United States, ate out of dumpsters and built several multiple million dollar generating global brands and businesses. Bedros Keuilian is the mastermind behind many of the most successful brands, businesses, thought leaders and best-selling authors throughout multiple industries. Odds are you’ve seen his international franchise Fit Body Boot Camp in your town, or his coaching and consulting clients on hit TV shows featured on ABC, NBC, Spike TV, in popular magazines, & on top of the New York Times Bestseller list. ---- Follow Me Online Here: Instagram: Facebook: Website: Soundcloud: Twitter: Podcast: Subscribe to my VIP Newsletter for exclusive content: If you made it all the way to the bottom comment a unicorn emoji because you’re a badass! #fitnessfranchises #gymfranchises #fitnessbusiness Read more about the cost of gym franchises Watch more fitness franchise videos here
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from Fit Body Boot Camp Fitness Franchise Opportunities

Starting A Fitness Boot Camp (fitness Bootcamp business)

Visit for the best fitness franchise opportunity. Start your own fitness boot camp business. Fitness boot camp expert and personal training business coach Bedros Keuilian teaches how to start a fitness boot camp business using successful strategies from Fit Body Boot Camp. Fit Body Boot Camp is a low cost gym franchise opportunity with locations available all over the planet in the United States, Canada, and Australia. Visit our website anytime to learn more about our group fitness franchises. #fitnessfranchise #gymfranchise #fitnessbootcampbusiness
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from Fit Body Boot Camp Fitness Franchise Opportunities

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Never Underachieve Again Presents: Never Underachieve Again What’s holding you back from making 7 figures? From buying the car of your dreams, or that gorgeous house down the street? There are 4 things you need to program into yourself if you want to be unstoppable in business—and in life. What are those 4 things? Watch to find out. -- ► Subscribe to My Channel for weekly videos every Monday & Thursday: -- A true rags to riches story of a self made entrepreneur who escaped communism, came to the United States, ate out of dumpsters, and built several multiple million dollar generating global brands and businesses.  Bedros Keuilian is the genius behind many of the most successful brands, businesses, thought leaders, and best-selling authors throughout multiple industries. His dedication to high-level business coaching and impacting lives has led to the massive growth of his Fit Body Boot Camp franchise and Mastermind programs. His leadership in the entrepreneurial world has led him to create an empire that continues to expand every day, and now he's helping other purpose or cause driven entrepreneurs build empires of their own. ---- Follow Me Online Here: Instagram: Facebook: Website: Soundcloud: Twitter: Bedros Keulian is also the CEO and founder of the Fit Body Boot Camp fitness franchise Podcast: Subscribe to my VIP Newsletter for exclusive content: If you made it all the way to the bottom comment a unicorn emoji because you’re a badass!
Originally posted on Youtube here Originally posted here

from Fit Body Boot Camp Fitness Franchise Opportunities

Fitness Franchise Business Opportunity Fit Body Boot Camp offers the best fitness franchise business opportunity in the industry. Discover how our marketing systems are simple the best for entrepreneurs and personal trainers looking to start a successful fitness franchise. Fitness Franchise Business Opportunity This video features fitness marketing expert, Bedros Keuilian discussing how to choose the right fitness franchise business opportunity for personal trainers. Bedros, of PTPower fame, lays out important questions to ask when looking to open up a fitness franchise business. If you're an ambitious personal trainer or a fitness entrepreneur who wants to buy a franchise, then check out the video above for some cutting edge fitness business ideas that help keep you focused when speaking to a franchisor. Starting a fitness business doesn't have to be difficult when you listen to the excellent given on subjects like advice on how to start a franchise and how to develop the perfect fitness business plan. Bedros goes over what to consider when looking into opening a fitness franchise business. Covering topics like how to avoid bad franchise opportunities, Bedros exposes how some fitness businesses operate. By sharing the top four questions that fitness entrepreneurs should ask when looking for the best franchise opportunities, Bedros teaches personal trainers how to start a franchise. Remember to check out for expert advice on fitness marketing, health and fitness business, fitness boot camp, and small business franchise. Watch more of our fitness business franchise opportunity videos here Fit Body Boot Camp offers the best fitness business marketing system Fitness Franchise Business Opportunity - Table of Contents 00:00:10 What should you look for in a fitness franchise opportunity 00:01:00 Franchises are 5 times more likely to succeed 00:02:10 Successful franchises have successful systems in place 00:02:50 Franchise buy-in fees, what do you get? 00:03:15 What Fit Body Boot Camp offers as a fitness franchise 00:04:15 What is the monthly franchise fee for? 00:06:55 Local optimized website traffic 00:11:00 Call franchise locations to talk to owners 00:12:05 Reasons why to start a fitness franchise with Fit Body Boot Camp
Originally posted on Youtube here Originally posted here

from Fit Body Boot Camp Fitness Franchise Opportunities

How To Create A Six Figure Fitness Business Hey, Bedros Keuilian here, and I'm a fitness business expert, which pretty much means I help personal trainers, boot camp owners grow their business, make more money and get more clients. And so what I want to talk to you about today is that thing that has to do with your lifestyle, which is how much money should I make. Frankly, I don't care how much money you want to make. But what I do care about is getting you there to that dollar amount. I've had people say, 'Hey, I just want to break $100,000. I've never broken $100,000 in a year.' But what you have to start with, and this is probably the number one fitness business tip I can give you; you would think it would be marketing or sales or some fancy training method. It's not. It's about here, being prepared and getting yourself to a destination. And what most fitness pros don't realize is they never set the GPS to a destination. Instead, they just go, 'Well, I want to be successful.' And success doesn't magically manifest itself. Success manifests itself when you work your ass off. So we'll just start with $100,000 a year. Well, what does it take to make that? What kind of effort do I need to put in? And we want to reverse engineer that model. Now let me ask you this. Do you know how much you have to make per month to get to $100,000 a year? That sounds like a lot of money. But if you break it down to smaller chunks, it's easier to digest. So you need $8,000 a month to get to $100,000 in a year, right? Well, that's great. Now that's still a lot of money in one month, isn't it? So I thought, 'Well, we've got on average 30 days in a month, and so how much do I need to make per day?' Well, look at this. Only $277 a day, right, gives you $100,000 a year. Now that's a lot easier to do, isn't it? Think about it. If you do one-on-one personal training sessions, how many personal training sessions do you need to sell per day to do that? But let's say you're not working 30 days in a month, that you're only able to work 20 days in a month because you want to take weekends off. Well, that's awesome. Recalculate the math. There's probably somewhere around, if it's 20 days a month, I don't know, $315, $320 a day, right? How many personal training sessions do you have to sell? How many boot camp programs do you have to sell a day -- right -- to get to that? Is your program reoccurring monthly or every month do you have to sell more training packages? If you do, then you're screwing yourself because it is pretty damned hard to go back and sell that client over and over again because you've already built a rapport with them. You have this friendship with them, and all of a sudden they run out of training sessions and you're like, 'Hey, look. We need to talk about you buying another block of 7, 8, 10, 12 sessions.' Now, if you ask me, that's a complete waste of time, money, energy and effort because one -- it's an awkward conversation. I've never been a big fan of that. Number two, you don't have predictable money from that person or any of your clients for that matter because you are just kind of coasting along on the sessions that you have in the bank. So when you sell a program to a client, make sure that program is reoccurring, right? And that is how, actually, I took my business to half a million dollars a year and that's how I've helped clients get to seven figures and above -- right -- is because we take that $277 that we sell in a day, and let's say that's a monthly program for boot camp or group training, for that matter, and now that reoccurs each and every month, right? So in 30 days if I just sell one group training program at $277 a month, one a day for 30 days, I'm literally automatically, I never have to sell again as long as those clients stay and I train them, deliver the results that I've promised that I would deliver them, I would make $100,000 in a year, right? And so if you want to double that or 10X it, if you want that to be a million dollars, what do you do? Because I did that math too, and you just 10X everything, right? $8,333 a month is all you need to get to a million dollars a year, right? And then at that point, you need $2,777 a day to get to that number, right, a million dollars a year. So it's not impossible to get there, but you have to create a destination for yourself, otherwise you can't put it in the mental GPS and that mental GPS won't ever get you there. So I hope this really helped you out. I want you to reverse engineer the dollar amount that you want to earn in the next 12 months, and tell me what it is down in the comment box, kind of a hold-yourself-accountable method, right?
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from Fit Body Boot Camp Headquarters